Electronics development
e.g. plug in cards
You have an idea and look for an implementation for it? If it is in the area of automation, control or data logging, we should talk. If not a request can also be worth it.
A selection of customer projects
- Electronics and software for a test unit for float switches
- Development of a PCI-card containing inputs for rotary shaft encoders for control of material test machines
- Development of IO-boards with hard- and firmware and up to six 8-bit output groups and up to ten 8-bit input groups with serial control
- Development of a PCI-card with A/D- and D/A-converters for test units
- Hard- and software development of a belt tester for cupholder in cars
- Development of hard- and software to control a blueray player with switching speakers as demonstration unit in sales rooms
- Development of a triple optical sensor for printers
- Development of an intelligent optical sensor board for printers with electronic surveillance of feed and tray
- Hardware and software development of a calibration board for a graphicscard for helicopters
- Development and production of an adapter board for FPGA software development
- Hard- and software for the end machining of rotors from a manufacurer of wind power plants
- Hardware and firmware development of test electronics for ABS-sensors in axles of cars
- Development of a distribution box for a 3-axis measurement unit
- Hard- and firmware for a 50/60/400Hz oscillator and a temperature control unit