Testware is a complete DOS software package for PC to create and perform automatic tests for manufacturing, test stations and laboratory. Test jobs are divided into test steps. The test steps represent the test procedure. A test procedure can encorporate up to 128 variants. Typical applications are e.g. function checking, incircuit testing, PCB testing, component testing and adjustment equipment
Detailed information
Different types of test steps enable different test functions. Drivers for all modules of system-MDP are supplied with the software. I/O-cards of other manufacturers can be implemented via Visual-C++ into the Testware.dll. Anyone who has knowledge about the device to be tested is qualified for creating the tests. The operation of Testware is menu and mouse oriented. A numeric keypad is sufficient during the production-test period.
The program needs only a short learning period. It offers a user interface in german and english language with online help. A high operating security is guaranteed through automatic backups and intensive syntax checks during data processing. Security checks avoid unwanted loss of data.

With its high execution rate (up to 2.000.000 test steps per second on modern PCs), the simple demands for the computer hardware (from AT286 / DOS 3.0) and the direct alignment to the manufacturing test, Testware is obviously different to other measurement and analysing software.
TESTWARE supports the creation of semi-automatic test (manual/automatic choice of test variants, manual test handling, automatic test phases with stops) and fully automatic machines (autostart, dut-variants and projecthandling). During the manufacturing inspection the test is stopped after teststeps that create errors, an error-text is shown. Statistics can be used, modified and added.
The execution of every test step is done as 'control, wait, typefunction'. The TESTWARE-Standardversion encorporates 5 test step types. They allow the realisation of all necessary test-functions. All measurement- and controltechnics hardware and interfaces can be implemented.
Leistungsdaten in der Übersicht:
- test procedures without programming software
- test procedures with unlimited length
- conditional branches
- safety for operator, test equipment and tested device
- stop-sequence is free defined and guarantees a secure break
- comfortable test-procedure-debugging
- direct-start with defined start procedures
- test step forward, back, repeat, change
- test step parameters can be changed without stopping the test procedure
- protocol on the screen or to a file
- extremely fast test procedures even on slow PCs
- precise test-step-timing with 1 ms resolution
- test-documentation for ISO900X (programmable via DLL-function)
- programmable QMS-interface (up to 255 DLL-functions)
- PC-I/O-handling is standard
- open software-protocol (complete MS-Visual-C++ project tw_dll enclosed in the software package)
- all necessary hardware and interfaces can be implemented (up to 255 DLL-drivers per project)
- DLL-debugging at souce-level with all features of the compiler
- up to 255 userspecific controlfunctions programmable (DLL)
- up to 255 userspecific measurementfunctions programmable (DLL)
- up to 255 userspecific queries programmable (DLL)
- any number of test projects per PC-directory, choice via keyboard or automatic
- programmable automatic test project identification
- up to 128 test variants per project, selection by keyboard or manually
- automatic test variant identification and switching
- Bis zu 32-fach Nutzen je Prüfprojekt
- user oriented test up to automatic test
- individual stops
- visual adjustment criteria (e.g. bargraph, oszilloscope)
- Error- and explanation text for every teststep of the project definable
- automatic test stations by autostart-input in the setup
- complete linking to assembly lines possible
- test object identification for the test progress documentation
- Serial error message
- test object statistics
- Gaussian curve guidance for test steps possible